Food & Drink

Make the most of seasonal figs in this refreshing and super-tasty sparkling cocktail – perfect to start your Easter celebrations! The thyme simple syrup will keep well in the fridge for a few months; try adding a dash to a gin and soda for a super-tasty evening tipple.
There’s no such thing as a bad time for a mimosa, but Easter is definitely one of the good ones! A good, classic mimosa of sparkling wine, vodka and orange juice is always delicious; for this recipe we’ve added a tiny touch of carrot juice in homage to the perennial favourite, the Easter Bunny.
This Easter classic goes down brilliantly as a dessert as well as a drink. If you don’t want to stay up all night, swap the espresso for decaf – it’s just as decadent and delicious.
These delicious crispy potatoes that are much easier to make than they look! The trick is to cut through the potato without slicing all the way through to the bottom; rest your spud on a serving spoon or on two chopsticks as a guide for when to stop slicing.
Make the most of fresh basil while it’s still in season with this tasty gimlet. Basil, sugar, citrus and gin is a wickedly delicious combination; this recipe works really well with flavoured gins like pineapple or citrus gins.
Technically a Cuban drink rather than Irish, a good mojito is pretty, tasty and definitely ticks the ‘green’ box for your St Patrick's Day celebrations!
Autumn is pickling season, and it’s a great way of making use of any vegetables you have in excess. Once you’ve made these you’ll never buy a jar of pickles again!
St Patrick's Day, on Thursday 17 March, is the ultimate annual celebration of Irish culture. The Irish are well known for their love of a great time, so we’re raising a glass to them this month with these cocktails designed especially with the Emerald Isle in mind.
These three ingredients love each other no matter which way you stack them. Try sticking them on skewers for a tasty vegetarian kebab option, or simply mix together in a salad bowl with your favourite summer salad dressing.
That most Kiwi of summer dishes – freshly-caught fish. If you’re lucky enough to have caught your own firm white fish (snapper, terakihi, and trevally are all fantastic), this is a dinner winner – even for the tricky customers! The secret to this dish’s success is to have all your ingredients ready, as once the fish is cooking, dinner’s just five minutes away.