Up until now, you’d need a wheelbarrow to carry all of the maps needed to guide you to every corner of NZ on land and around the coastline. Now you can replace the wheelbarrow with Memory-Map’s easy-to-use mapping software that provides all this information and much, much more.
Memory-Map excels off-road. Personal Navigating Devices (PNDs) like Navman and Tomtom, with auto-routing and voice directions, do an excellent job directing you to a road destination. Memory-Map also provides street maps, but you plan the route manually and you don’t receive voice directions. What it does give you are clear, easy to read maps and with a GPS connected, shows you exactly where you are. But if you plan to walk, cycle, drive off-road or boat off-shore anywhere in NZ, look at what Memory-Map can do for you.
Using the Milford track as an example, run the cursor over the track on the appropriate map, and Memory-Map will reveal all its secrets. It will give you the distance to walk, and provide the gradient steepness with an elevation profile showing how high you will climb. You can view the walk as if flying over it in an aeroplane, print a copy of the map in various formats and download the information to a compatible GPS, pocket PC or Smart phone. Some of these devices allow you to download actual results back to your PC to provide a review of your expedition. This information is not confined to known or marked tracks. Memory-Map will produce this same information for your proposed walk, run, cycle or water ventures anywhere in NZ. Maps are also available for many other countries.
Separate packs are available for marine, topographical and virtual land. You can choose just the North or South Islands, or buy the full set of NZ topographical maps for $349.95 inc GST. A free trial download is available on www.memory-map.co.nz
For further information contact Ampro Sales Ltd on 04 939 6800. Email sales@memory-map.co.nz and mention ‘Gearing Up’.

Review: 2025 HYMER ML-T 570 CrossOver
Built for those who love the road less travelled, the HYMER ML-T 570 CrossOver combines serious off-road capability with premium European design