Nourishing and refreshing, this tea makes use of the fresh dandelion flowers that grow everywhere. Said to be good for your liver and kidneys, dandelions are great for detoxifying and even reducing stress levels.
This recipe makes 1 cup.
- ½ cup loosely packed dandelion petals
- 1 cup boiling water
- 1 teaspoon runny honey (optional)
Pick dandelion flower heads, remove yellow petals and rinse well. Place petals in a tea infuser and hang in a large teacup. Pour boiling water slowly through the infuser, cover with a tea towel to retain heat and allow to steep for at least 10 minutes. Add a dash of runny honey if desired.
Top Tip
The petals are the sweetest part of the dandelion – the green parts are edible, but they are bitter.