Eyes unblinking, he reclined on a piece of bark the same colour as his skin. On a small rock close to where he perched was his lunch, a soft-pink-coloured and unsuspecting cricket.
West Coast
Heather Whelan gets into the heart of west coast wilderness in and around Greymouth and Hokitika.
Jill Malcolm steps aboard MV Cygnet, to explore the lower reaches of a fascinating North Island river by boat.
Hokianga: wildly beautiful scenery, a long bicultural history, and heritage Maori churches in tiny hamlets. There’s all this and more, as Liz Light finds out on a road trip there.
West Coast
Heather Whelan continues her journey in the South island, this time exploring the wonders of Westport and Karamea.
No matter how many times I revisit a place it can still surprise me. In the Wairarapa I recently learnt of the Rimutaka Cycle Trail.
When it comes to looking after its freedom campers, the Nelson and Tasman districts at the top of the South Island have really rolled out the welcome mat.
Reader Kelly Lynch tells us about her favourite hike: a brisk walk up Pataua Island Mountain in Northland.
Heather Whelan continues her road trip through New Zealand, this time taking in the stunning Otago Peninsula.
Set aside from development, a huge area of rugged ranges and wind-battered beaches to the west of Auckland is one of the city’s great playgrounds. This is a list of Auckland's best west coast beaches.
Of all the wild beaches that invade the coastline of the rugged Waitakeries Mountains west of Auckland (Whatipu, Bethells, Kare Kare, Anawhata and Murawai), Piha is arguably the most spectacular and certainly the most popular.