Win! an Ironclad Legacy bundle

Win! an Ironclad Legacy bundle

Ironclad Pans is a Kiwi business with the goal of creating a product that can be handed down through the generations.

The idea was inspired by heirlooms inherited from co-founder Levi Slavin’s grandmother, Lily. An extraordinary chef and human who left behind countless family recipes, memories, and some unbelievably precious cookware from her revered kitchen, some of which she inherited from her own grandmother in Russia, this legacy sparked conversations around the value of quality heirlooms.

In 2019, husband and wife team Kate and Levi Slavin founded Ironclad Co. with their business partner Joe Carter. Their aim was to create a sustainable product that would bring back craft and techniques used to make some of the most beautiful cast iron antiques still in use today.

In an era of disposable stuff, they wanted to create a product that would last for generations. Not to mention also reducing the millions of Teflon pans being sent to landfill every year, leaching potentially harmful chemicals into our soil.

Together, they set out to find a way to substantiate their brand’s worth. If they were designing a product to last, why not offer a guarantee? One that would last longer than any on the market. Settling on a modest 100 years, the team decided to cast that contract in iron on the base of every single skillet.

Lovingly crafted with the highest grade of iron, pans are PFAS, PFOA, and PTFE-free and work on any cooking surface, from induction to campfire.

These days their shareholder list includes iconic chefs Peter Gordon and Al Brown, along with hundreds of loyal customers, partners, and friends who were part of the brand’s early crowdfunding days.

Win! a Fiskars X13 Universal Axe

The range is based around a stunning collection of Ironclad pans, from 20cm to 36cm as well as a 4.5-litre Dutch Oven and a 36cm Grande Legacy Grill.

This month, we have an Ironclad Legacy Bundle, which includes The Legacy Pan (28cm) and Lil’ Legacy Pan (20cm), valued at $430, to give away.

To enter the competition, fill out the form below.

Deadline: 4pm, 31 July 2024

Find the full competition terms and conditions here.

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