Eyes unblinking, he reclined on a piece of bark the same colour as his skin. On a small rock close to where he perched was his lunch, a soft-pink-coloured and unsuspecting cricket.
Set aside from development, a huge area of rugged ranges and wind-battered beaches to the west of Auckland is one of the city’s great playgrounds. This is a list of Auckland's best west coast beaches.
Of all the wild beaches that invade the coastline of the rugged Waitakeries Mountains west of Auckland (Whatipu, Bethells, Kare Kare, Anawhata and Murawai), Piha is arguably the most spectacular and certainly the most popular.
Waterfront Auckland is excited to announce a free community event taking place at Queens Wharf this Queen’s Birthday Weekend, Saturday 30 May through to Monday 1 June 2015.
Auckland Museum has announced a major new exhibition celebrating the city of Auckland.
Great news: Auckland International Buskers Festival on Auckland’s Waterfront is less than two weeks away!
When her gypsy spirit tells her it's time for a getaway, Jill Malcolm finds the perfect place close to Auckland – the Awhitu Peninsula.
Looking to escape the city for a weekend? Look no further than Mangawhai Heads and the Awhitu Peninsula – two amazing day trips from Auckland.
Building on the global obsession with selfies, Kelly Tarlton's SEA LIFE Aquarium in Auckland is taking the photographic phenomenon to the next level.
Jill Malcolm gets away with the birds at Auckland's RV-friendly Shakespear Regional Park. This is what you need to know about this amazing regional park.
Happy resident Liz Light reveals the Matakana the locals know and love.