Get a Great Deal at the SmartRV Sales Weekend


There’ll be weekend-only deals and promotional offers available on their range of value brand Carado, popular Bürstner, and premium HYMER vehicles, as well as on their range of used Carado and Bürstner RVs.

These special prices will only be available at the Auckland Sales Weekend from Saturday 9th to Sunday 10th November, and at the Christchurch Sales Weekend from Saturday 23rd to Sunday 24th of November.

Whether you’re looking for a new motorhome, are keen to upgrade, or just want to see what’s available, this is the ideal opportunity to come and chat to the team and look through the vehicles. Enjoy a coffee and delicious BBQ treats while you browse.

Vehicles are selling fast, if you buy a new motorhome from SmartRV during the Sales Weekends, the team will have it ready for you to drive away in no more than four weeks! (Some motorhome companies require 9-12 months from purchase.)

All new vehicles include $5,000 worth of accessories, with a wide range of options available to ensure once you find your motorhome, they can make it feel more like home. New Carado or Bürstner motorhomes also come with extensive warranties for peace of mind. Find out more about our ‘Drive Away for Summer’ campaign here.

So don’t miss the SmartRV Sales Weekends – the team looks forward to seeing you at their Auckland or Christchurch sales centres in November

Find more motorhomes, RVs and caravans for sale in NZ

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